The key to successful commercial photography is the attention to absolute detail. My stock image portfolio is distributed to a number of agencies and continues to grow. Stock image agencies are well known for their scrutinisation of submitted imagery to ensure it is to the highest technical and commercial standard. I apply the same level of scrutinisation to all of the commercial projects that I undertake in order to provide top quality imagery to support your business needs.
[accordion][acc title=”Stock Photography”]
[threecol_two_last]I have a growing portfolio of stock imagery that is hosted by a number of major microstock agencies. The majority of these images are individual objects photographed in a studio environment in order to provide high resolution images for designers. [/threecol_two_last]
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[threecol_two_last]No two commercial projects are the same and as such I work closely with clients to fully understand the requirements of any activity. Whether images are required for low resolution web site use or for high resolution quality literature, my principles remain the same, to provide high quality images, both technically and aesthetically, in order to present your message in the best possible way.[/threecol_two_last]